48001 #OK 48002 #REF 48003 #DIV0 48004 #VALUE 48005 #FUNC 48006 #CIRC 48010 Aritmetical 48011 Mathematical 48012 Trigonometric 48013 Logical 48014 Statistical 48015 Date && Time 48016 Text 48017 Financial 48018 Lookup && Reference 48019 Information 48020 Remote 48021 Document 48022 All 48050 TRUE 48051 FALSE 48052 Insert Function 48053 Reenter Password: 48054 SELECT 48055 FROM 48056 WHERE 48057 ORDER BY 48058 * 48059 $\n£\nUSD\n#\nDM\nm\ncm\nkg\ng\nlbs\nK\nFF 48060 Ability 48061 Ability Cells 48080 Cannot resolve circular formulas. 48081 Syntax error in formula. 48082 Password do not match 48083 Cannot write over locked cells in protected mode 48084 Cannot read from hidden cells in protected mode 48085 Bad edit source formula. 48086 The document contains remote links. Recalculate them? 48087 Decimal places must be between 0 and 15. 48088 Fractional places can be either automatic or 1 or 2. 48089 Brackets in formula do not match. 48090 The list and decimal separators specified by the system\nare identical. Substituting '%c' for the list separator. 48100 ABS\nABS (number)\nReturns the absolute value of a number. 48101 ACOSH\nACOSH (number)\nReturns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. 48102 ACOTANH\nACOTANH (number)\nReturns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a number. 48103 ASINH\nASINH (number)\nReturns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. 48104 ATANH\nATANH (number)\nReturns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. 48105 COSH\nCOSH (number)\nReturns the hyperbolic cosine of a number. 48106 COTANH\nCOTANH (number)\nReturns the hyperbolic cotangent of a number. 48107 DIVIDE\nDIVIDE (list)\nReturns the division of its arguments. 48108 EVEN\nEVEN (number)\nRounds a number up to the nearest even integer. 48109 EXP\nEXP (number)\nReturns e raised to the power of a given number. 48110 FACT\nFACT (n)\nReturns the factorial of a number. 48111 FACTDOUBLE\nFACTDOUBLE (number)\nReturns the double factorial of a number. 48112 GCD\nGCD (list)\nReturns the greatest common divisor. 48113 INT\nINT (number)\nReturns only the integer part of a value. 48114 LCM\nLCM (list)\nReturns the least common multiple. 48115 LN\nLN (number)\nReturns the natural logarithm of a number. 48116 LOG\nLOG (number)\nReturns the logarithm of a number to a specified base. 48117 LOG10\nLOG10 (number)\nReturns the base-10 logarithm of a number. 48118 MDETERM\nMDETERM (array)\nReturns the matrix determinant of an array. 48119 MINUS\nMINUS (list)\nReturns the substaction of its arguments. 48120 MOD\nMOD (x, y)\nReturns the remainder from division. 48121 MULTINOMIAL\nMULTINOMIAL (list)\nReturns the multinomial of a set of numbers. 48122 ODD\nODD (number)\nRounds a number up to the nearest odd integer. 48123 PLUS\nPLUS (list)\nReturns the sum of its arguments. 48124 POWER\nPOWER (list)\nReturns the power of its arguments. 48125 RAND\nRAND (number)\nReturns a random integer number from 0 to specified number. 48126 RANDBETWEEN\nRANDBETWEEN (bottom, top)\nReturns a random number between the numbers you specify. 48127 ROUND\nROUND (x, y)\nReturns a value rounded to the nearest number. 48128 ROUNDDOWN\nROUNDDOWN (number, num_digits)\nRounds a number down, toward zero. 48129 ROUNDUP\n ROUNDUP (number, num_digits)\nRounds a number up, away from zero. 48130 SERIESSUM\nSERIESSUM (x, n, m, coefficients)\nReturns the sum of a power series based on the formula. 48131 SIGN\nSIGN (number)\nReturns the sign of a number. 48132 SINH\nSINH (number)\nReturns the hyperbolic sine of a number. 48133 SQR\nSQR (number)\nReturns the second power of a number. 48134 SQRT\nSQRT (number)\nReturns a positive square root. 48135 SUM\nSUM (list)\nReturns the total of the values in the list of arguments. 48136 SUMTIMES\nSUMTIMES (range1, range2, ...)\nReturns the sum of the products of corresponding array components. 48137 SUMSQ\nSUMSQ (list)\nReturns the sum of the squares of the arguments. 48138 SUMX2MY2\nSUMX2MY2 (range_x, range_y)\nReturns the sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays. 48139 SUMX2PY2\nSUMX2PY2 (range_x, range_y)\nReturns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays. 48140 SUMXMY2\nSUMXMY2 (range_x, range_y)\nReturns the sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two arrays. 48141 SUMXPY2\nSUMXPY2 (range_x, range_y)\nReturns the sum of squares of sum of corresponding values in two arrays. 48142 TANH\nTANH (number)\nReturns the hyperbolic tangent of a number. 48143 TIMES\nTIMES (list)\nReturns the multiplication of its arguments. 48144 TOTAL\nTOTAL (list)\nCalculates the total of the values in the list of arguments. 48145 ACOS\nACOS (number)\nReturns the inverse cosine of a number. 48146 ACOTAN\nACOTAN (number)\nReturns the the two-quadrant inverse cotangent of a number. 48147 ASIN\nASIN (number)\nReturns the inverse sine of a number. 48148 ATAN\nATAN (number)\nReturns the the two-quadrant inverse tangent of a number. 48149 ATAN2\nATAN2 (x, y)\nReturns the four-quadrant determination of the angle formed by a point and a x-axis. 48150 COS\nCOS (number)\nReturns the cosine of a number. 48151 COTAN\nCOTAN (number)\nReturns the cotangent of a number. 48152 DEGREES\nDEGREES (angle)\nConverts radians to degrees. 48153 PI\nPI ()\nReturns the value of pi (3.14159265359). 48154 RADIANS\nRADIANS (angle)\nConverts degrees to radians. 48155 SIN\nSIN (number)\nReturns the sine of a number. 48156 SQRTPI\nSQRTPI(number)\nReturns the square root of (number * PI). 48157 TAN\nTAN (number)\nReturns the tangent of a number. 48158 AVEDEV\nAVEDEV (list)\nReturns the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean. 48159 AVERAGE\nAVERAGE (list)\nReturns the unweighted average value of its arguments. 48160 AVG\nAVG (list)\nReturns the unweighted average value of its arguments. 48161 BINOMDIST\nBINOMDIST (number, trials, probability, cumulative)\nReturns the individual term binomial distribution probability. 48162 COMB\nCOMB (n, m)\nReturns the number of combinations for a number of things. 48163 CORREL\nCORREL (array1, array2)\nReturns the correlation coefficient between two sets of data. 48164 COUNT\nCOUNT (list)\nCounts the number of items specified in in the list of arguments. 48165 COUNTN\nCOUNTN (list)\nCounts how many numbers are in the list of arguments. 48166 COVAR\nCOVAR (array1, array2)\nReturns covariance, the average of the products of paired deviations. 48167 DEVSQ\nDEVSQ (list)\nReturns the sum of squares of deviations. 48168 EXPONDIST\nEXPONDIST (x, lambda, cumulative)\nReturns the exponential distribution. 48169 FISHER\nFISHER (x)\nReturns the the Fisher transformation. 48170 FISHERINV\nFISHERINV (y)\nReturns the inverse of the Fisher transformation. 48171 FORECAST\nFORECAST (x, array_y, array_x)\nReturns a value along a linear trend. 48172 GAMMADIST\nGAMMADIST (x, alpha, beta)\nReturns the gamma distribution. 48173 GAMMALN\nGAMMALN (x)\nReturns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, G(x). 48174 GEOMEAN\nGEOMEAN (list)\nReturns the geometric mean. 48175 HARMEAN\nHARMEAN (list)\nReturns the harmonic mean. 48176 HYPGEOMDIST\nHYPGEOMDIST (sample, n_sample, population, n_population)\nReturns the hypergeometric distribution. 48177 INTERCEPT\nINTERCEPT (array_y, array_x)\nReturns the intercept of the linear regression line. 48178 KURT\nKURT (list)\nReturns the kurtosis of a data set. 48179 LARGE\nLARGE (k, list)\nReturns the k-th largest value in a data set. 48180 MAX\nMAX (list)\nReturns the maximum value in a list of arguments. 48181 MEDIAN\nMEDIAN (list)\nReturns the median of the given numbers. 48182 MIN\nMIN (list)\nReturns the minimum value in a list of arguments. 48183 MODE\nMODE (list)\nReturns the most common value in a data set. 48184 NEGBINOMDIST\nNEGBINOMDIST (number_f, number_s, probability_s)\nReturns the negative binomial distribution. 48185 NORMDIST\nNORMDIST (x, mean, stdev)\nReturns the normal cumulative distribution. 48186 NORMSDIST\nNORMSDIST (z)\nReturns the standard normal cumulative distribution. 48187 PEARSON\nPEARSON (array_x, array_y)\nReturns the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. 48188 PERCENTILE\nPERCENTILE (k, array)\nReturns the k-th percentile of values in a range. 48189 PERCENTRANK\nPERCENTRANK (x, array)\nReturns the percentage rank of a value in a data set. 48190 PERM\nPERM (n, m)\nReturns the number of permutations for a number of things. 48191 POISSON\nPOISSON (x, mean, cumulative)\nReturns the Poisson distribution. 48192 PROB\nPROB (x_range, prob_range, lower_limit, upper_limit)\nReturns the probability that values in a range are between two limits. 48193 QUARTILE\nQUARTILE (quart, array)\nReturns the quartile of a data set. 48194 RANK\nRANK (number, ref, order)\nReturns the rank of a number in a list of numbers. 48195 RSQ\nRSQ (array_x, array_y)\nReturns the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. 48196 SKEW\nSKEW (list)\nReturns the skewness of a distribution. 48197 SLOPE\nSLOPE (array_y, array_x)\nReturns the slope of the linear regression line. 48198 SMALL\nSMALL (k, list)\nReturns the k-th smallest value in a data set. 48199 STANDARDIZE\nSTANDARDIZE (x, mean, stdev)\nReturns a normalized value. 48200 STD\nSTD (list)\nReturns the standard deviation of a sample. 48201 STDEV\nSTDEV (list)\nEstimates standard deviation based on a sample. 48202 STDEVP\nSTDEVP (list)\nCalculates standard deviation based on the entire population. 48203 STEYX\nSTEYX (array_y, array_x)\nReturns the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in the regression. 48204 VAR\nVAR (list)\nReturns the variance of a list. 48205 VARP\nVARP(list)\nCalculates variance based on the entire population. 48206 WAVG\nWAVG (array_x, array_y)\nCalculates the weighted average of values. 48207 WEIBULL\nWEIBULL (x, alpha, beta, cumulative)\nReturns the Weibull distribution. 48208 ZTEST\nZTEST (array, x, sigma)\nReturns the two-tailed P-value of a z-test. 48209 CHAR\nCHAR (number)\nReturns the character specified by the code number. 48210 CLEAN\nCLEAN (text)\nRemoves all nonprintable characters from text. 48211 CODE\nCODE (text)\nReturns a numeric code for the first character in a text string. 48212 CONCATENATE\nCONCATENATE (text_list)\nJoins several text items into one text item. 48213 DOLLAR\nDOLLAR (number, precision)\nConverts a number to text, using currency format. 48214 EXACT\nEXACT (text1, text2)\nChecks to see if two text values are identical. 48215 FINDTEXT\nFINDTEXT (find_text, within_text, start_num)\nFinds one text value within another (case-sensitive). 48216 FIXED\nFIXED (number, precision, commas)\nFormats a number as text with a fixed number of decimals. 48217 LEFT\nLEFT (text, num_chars)\nReturns the leftmost characters from a text value. 48218 LEN\nLEN (text)\nReturns the number of characters in a text string. 48219 LOWER\nLOWER (text)\nConverts text to lowercase. 48220 MID\nMID (text, start_num, num_chars)\nReturns a specific number of characters from a text string starting at the position you specify. 48221 PROPER\nPROPER (text)\nCapitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value. 48222 REPLACE\nREPLACE (old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text)\nReplaces characters within text. 48223 REPT\nREPT (text, number_times)\nRepeats text a given number of times. 48224 RIGHT\nRIGHT (text, num_chars)\nReturns the rightmost characters from a text value. 48225 SEARCHTEXT\nSEARCHTEXT (find_text, within_text, start_num)\nFinds one text value within another (not case-sensitive). 48226 SUBSTITUTE\nSUBSTITUTE (text, old_text, new_text, instance_num)\nSubstitutes new text for old text in a text string. 48227 T\nT (value)\nConverts its arguments to text. 48228 TRIM\nTRIM (text)\nRemoves all spaces, other than single spaces between words, from text. 48229 UPPER\nUPPER (text)\nConverts text to uppercase. 48230 VALUE\nVALUE (text)\nConverts a text argument to a number. 48231 DATE\nDATE (year, month, day)\nReturns the date code of a particular date. 48232 DATEVALUE\nDATEVALUE (date_text)\nConverts a date in the form of text to a serial number. 48233 DAY\nDAY (date_code)\nReturns the day of the month from a date code. 48234 DAYS360\nDAYS360 (start_date, end_date, method)\nCalculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year. 48235 EDATE\nEDATE (start_date, months)\nReturns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date. 48236 EOMONTH\nEOMONTH (start_date, months)\nReturns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months. 48237 HOUR\nHOUR (time_code)\nConverts a serial number to an hour. 48238 MINUTE\nMINUTE (time_code)\nConverts a serial number to a minute. 48239 MONTH\nMONTH (date_code)\nReturns the month from a date code. 48240 NETWORKDAYS\nNETWORKDAYS (start_date, end_date, list_holidays)\nReturns the number of whole workdays between two dates. 48241 NOW\nNOW ()\nReturns the serial number of the current date and time. 48242 SECOND\nSECOND (time_code)\nConverts a serial number to a second. 48243 TIME\nTIME (hour, minute, second)\nReturns the serial number of a particular time. 48244 TIMEVALUE\nTIMEVALUE (time_text)\nConverts a time in the form of text to a serial number. 48245 TODAY\nTODAY ()\nReturns a date code for the current day. 48246 WEEKDAY\nWEEKDAY (date_code)\nReturns the day of the week for a date code. 48247 WEEKNUM\nWEEKNUM (date_code, return_type)\nReturns the week number in the year. 48248 WORKDAY\nWORKDAY (start_date, days, list_holidays)\nReturns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays. 48249 YEAR\nYEAR (date_code)\nReturns the year from a date code. 48250 YEARFRAC\nYEARFRAC (start_date, end_date, basis)\nReturns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date. 48251 ACCRINTM\nACCRINTM (issue, settlement, rate, par, basis)\nReturns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity. 48252 COMPOUND\nCOMPOUND (principal, interest, periods)\nCalculates the compound amount, based on the principal and interest rate per period over the specified number of periods. 48253 COUPDAYBS\nCOUPDAYBS (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)\nReturns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date. 48254 COUPDAYS\nCOUPDAYS (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)\nReturns the number of days in the coupon period which contains the settlement date. 48255 COUPDAYSNC\nCOUPDAYSNC (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)\nReturns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date. 48256 COUPNCD\nCOUPNCD (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)\nReturns the next coupon date after the settlement date. 48257 COUPNUM\nCOUPNUM (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)()\nReturns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date. 48258 COUPPCD\nCOUPPCD (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)\nReturns the previous coupon date before the settlement date. 48259 DB\nDB (cost, salvage, life, period, month)\nReturns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the fixed-declining balance method. 48260 DISC\nDISC (settlement, maturity, par, redemption, basis)\nReturns the discount rate for a security. 48261 DOLLARDE\nDOLLARDE (fractional_dollar, fraction)\nConverts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number. 48262 EFFECT\nEFFECT (nominal_rate, npery)\nReturns the effective annual interest rate. 48263 FV\nFV (payment, rate, periods)\nCalculates the future value of an annuity, based on the payments per period, interest rate per period, and the number of periods. 48264 INTRATE\nINTRATE (settlement, maturity, investment, redemption, basis)\nReturns the interest rate for a fully invested security. 48265 IRR\nIRR (guess, initial, list)\nCalculates the internal rate of return of a series of cash flows, starting with a guess at the correct answer. 48266 MIRR\nMIRR (finance_rate, reinvest_rate, list)\nReturns the internal rate of return where positive and negative cash flows are financed at different rates. 48267 NOMINAL\nNOMINAL (effect_rate, npery)\nReturns the annual nominal interest rate. 48268 NPV\nNPV (rate, list)\nCalculates the net present value of a set of future cash flows. 48269 PMT\nPMT (principal, rate, periods)\nCalculates the amount of payment required to pay off a loan or mortgage at the given principal, interest rate per period, and number of periods. 48270 PRICE\nPRICE (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, redemption, frequency, basis)\nReturns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest.\n 48271 PRICEDISC\nPRICEDISC (settlement, maturity, discount, redemption, basis)\nReturns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security. 48272 PRICEMAT\nPRICEMAT (settlement, maturity, issue, rate, yield, basis)\nReturns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity. 48273 PV\nPV (payment, rate, periods)\nCalculates the present value of an annuity, based on the amount of the payment, the interest rate per period, and the number of periods. 48274 RECEIVED\nRECEIVED (settlement, maturity, investment, discount, basis)\nReturns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security. 48275 SYD\nSYD (cost, salvage, life, per)\nReturns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period. 48276 TBILLEQ\nTBILLEQ (settlement, maturity, discount)\nReturns the bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury bill. 48277 TBILLPRICE\nTBILLPRICE (settlement, maturity, discount)\nReturns the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill. 48278 TBILLYIELD\nTBILLYIELD (settlement, maturity, par)\nReturns the yield for a Treasury bill. 48279 AND\nAND (list)\nReturns logical AND of its arguments. 48290 IF\nIF (x, true, false)\nSpecifies a logical test to perform. 48291 NOT\nNOT (x)\nReturns logical NOT of its argument. 48292 OR\nOR (list)\nReturns logical OR of its arguments. 48293 COUNTBLANK\nCOUNTBLANK (list)\nCounts the number of blank cells within a range. 48294 ISBLANK\nISBLANK (value)\nReturns TRUE if the value is blank. 48295 ISERR\nISERR (list)\nChecks the list and returns a count of the number of fields that contain error indicators. 48296 ISERROR\nISERROR (value)\nReturns TRUE if the value is any error value. 48297 ISEVEN\nISEVEN (value)\nReturns TRUE if the number is even. 48298 ISNUMBER\nISNUMBER (value)\nReturns TRUE if the value is a number. 48299 ISODD\nISODD (value)\nReturns TRUE if the number is odd. 48300 ISREF\nISREF (value)\nReturns TRUE if the value is a reference. 48301 ISTEXT\nISTEXT (value)\nReturns TRUE if the value is text. 48302 ADDRESS\nADDRESS (row_num, column_num, abs_mode)\nReturns a reference as text to a single cell. 48303 AREAS\nAREAS (list)\nReturns the number of areas in a reference 48304 CHOOSE\nCHOOSE (index_num, list)\nChooses a value from a list of values 48305 COLUMNS\nCOLUMNS (array)\nReturns the number of columns in a reference. 48306 FIND\nFIND (value, list)\nSearches a list to find where a number occurs in it. 48307 INDEX\nINDEX (number, list)\nFinds the value at a specified position in a list. 48308 LOOKUP\nLOOKUP (number, in_range, out_range)\nSearches a specific range to find a value and then looks up the corresponding value in another location. 48309 ROWS\nROWS (array)\nReturns the number of rows in a reference. 48310 YIELD\nYIELD(settlement, maturity, rate, pr, redemption, frequency, basis)\nReturns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest. 48311 REMOTE\nREMOTE(document_name, reference_name)\nReturns the value of remote object. 48312 CREATEDATE\nCREATEDATE ()\nReturns the date the document was created. 48313 EDITTIME\nEDITTIME ()\nReturns the total document editing time. 48314 PRINTDATE\nPRINTDATE ()\nReturns the date the document was last printed. 48315 SAVEDATE\nSAVEDATE ()\nReturns the date the document was last saved. 48316 AUTHOR\nAUTHOR ()\nReturns the name of the document's author from the Summary Info. 48317 COMMENTS\nCOMMENTS ()\nReturns the comments from the Summary Info. 48318 FILENAME\nFILENAME ()\nReturns the document name and location. 48319 FILESIZE\nFILESIZE ()\nReturns the size on the disk of the document. 48320 KEYWORDS\nKEYWORDS ()\nReturns keywords from Summary Info. 48321 NUMCHARS\nNUMCHARS ()\nReturns the number of characters in the document. 48322 NUMPAGES\nNUMPAGES ()\nReturns the number of pages in the document. 48323 NUMWORDS\nNUMWORDS ()\nReturns the number of words in the document. 48324 SUBJECT\nSUBJECT ()\nReturns the document's subject from Summary Info. 48325 TITLE\nTITLE ()\nReturns the document's title from Summary Info. 48326 REVNUM\nREVNUM ()\nReturns the number of times the document has been saved. 48327 PAGE\nPAGE ()\nReturns the number of the current page. 48328 MERGEREC\nMERGEREC ()\nReturns the number of the current merge record. 48329 MERGECOUNT\nMERGECOUNT ()\nReturns the total number of merge records. 48330 DBGET\nDBGET (database, source, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object. 48331 DBSQL\nDBSQL(database, SQL_statement, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database SQL query. 48332 DBFIELDCOUNT\nDBFIELDCOUNT (database, source)\nReturns the number of fields in remote database object. 48333 DBFIELDNAME\nDBFIELDNAME (database, source, index)\nReturns the name of the field in remote database object. 48334 DBTABLECOUNT\nDBTABLECOUNT (database)\nReturns the number of tables in database. 48335 DBTABLENAME\nDBTABLENAME (database, index)\nReturns the name of table in database. 48336 DBQUERYCOUNT\nDBQUERYCOUNT (database)\nReturns the number of queries in database. 48337 DBQUERYNAME\nDBQUERYNAME (database, index)\nReturns the name of query in database. 48338 DBRELATIONCOUNT\nDBRELATIONCOUNT (database)\nReturns the number of relations in database. 48339 DBRELATIONNAME\nDBRELATIONNAME (database, index)\nReturns the name of relation in database. 48340 COLUMN\nCOLUMN (ref)\nReturns the column of reference or current column. 48341 ROW\nROW (ref)\nReturns the row of reference or current row. 48342 TAXBAND\nTAXBAND (salary, tax_rates, tax_bands)\nReturns tax payable on salary. 48343 DBFILTER\nDBFILTER (database, table, filter, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object applying filter. 48344 DBSORT\nDBSOR (database, table, sort, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object applying sort order. 48345 DBFILTERSORT\nDBFILTERSORT (database, table, filter, sort, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object applying filter and sort order. 48346 DBSQLFILTER\nDBSQLFILTER (database, table, filter, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object constructing a SQL statement with the specified filter. 48347 DBSQLSORT\nDBSQLSORT (database, table, sort, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object constructing a SQL statement with the specified sort order. 48348 DBSQLFILTERSORT\nDBSQLFILTERSORT (database, table, filter, sort, field_name, rec_num)\nReturns the value of remote database object constructing a SQL statement with the specified filter and sort order. 48349 SSGET\nSSGET(spreadsheet, reference)\nReturns the contents of a cell/cells from a Spreadsheet document. 48350 WPGET\nWPGET(document, fieldname)\nReturns the contents of a field from a Write document. 48351 FINDEX\nFINDEX (value, list)\nSearches a list to find where a value occurs in it. 48352 LOOKUPEX\nLOOKUPEX (value, in_range, out_range)\nSearches a specific range to find a value and then looks up the corresponding value in another location. 48353 CONCAT\nCONCAT (text_list)\nJoins several text items into one text item.